Best Face Contouring Procedures in Korea

South Korea has earned global recognition as a premier destination for medical tourism, particularly in the field of plastic surgery. Among the various cosmetic procedures available, face contouring stands out for its transformative potential and the meticulous expertise required to achieve natural, balanced results. This article delves into the allure of face contouring in South Korea, exploring why it has become a top choice for those seeking to enhance their facial features.

In this article, we will cover the benefits of opting for face contouring surgery in Korea, including the country’s renowned surgical expertise, cutting-edge technology, and holistic patient care. We will also provide detailed insights into some of the most popular and effective face contouring procedures offered at Shin Medical, including V-line surgery, zygoma reduction, square jaw surgery, and double jaw surgery. Each of these procedures is designed to not only meet but exceed the unique aesthetic goals of our patients. By the end of this article, you’ll understand why South Korea, and Shin Medical in particular, should be your go-to destination for face contouring surgery.

Why Get Face Contouring Surgery in Korea?

  • Expertise: South Korean plastic surgeons are renowned for their unparalleled expertise and precision. Many have undergone rigorous training both domestically and internationally, ensuring top-tier, individualized surgical outcomes.
  • Cutting-Edge Technology: Korean clinics utilize the latest medical technology, significantly enhancing the face contouring process. Tools like 3D imaging and simulation allow patients to visualize their post-surgery appearance, while advanced surgical equipment ensures accurate, minimally invasive procedures.
  • Focus on Natural Beauty: Korean aesthetic practice prioritizes natural beauty, enhancing a patient’s features without creating an overly altered look. This approach ensures results that are harmonious with existing features and age naturally over time.
  • Affordable Excellence: Despite high-quality care and advanced technology, face contouring surgery in South Korea is often more affordable than in many Western countries. Patients receive world-class treatment at a competitive price, making Korea an attractive option for medical tourists.
  • Beauty Standards: South Korea leads global beauty trends, often influenced by K-pop and K-drama celebrities. Face contouring in Korea aligns with contemporary beauty standards, often producing results that are stylish and widely admired.

Best Face Contouring Procedures in Korea

At Shin Medical, we collaborate with some of the most esteemed surgeons in the country, ensuring each patient receives personalized care tailored to their unique aesthetic goals. The variety of face contouring procedures available in Korea is vast, offering transformative solutions such as V-line surgery for a slimmer, more defined jawline, zygoma reduction to soften pronounced cheekbones, square jaw surgery to refine and streamline a broader lower jaw, and double jaw surgery to correct facial asymmetries and improve functionality. These procedures are meticulously designed not just to fit the generalized ideals of beauty, but to enhance and harmonize one’s natural features, adhering to a personalized approach that ensures optimal outcomes and refreshed confidence.

1. V-line Surgery

V-line surgery, also known as a mandibuloplasty or lower facial contouring, is a cosmetic surgical procedure designed to create a more aesthetically pleasing, slender, and symmetrical jawline. This surgery is particularly popular among individuals who have a broad, rounded, or square jawline and desire a more delicate, V-shaped facial profile, which is considered a standard of beauty in many East Asian cultures.

The procedure involves several key techniques to achieve the desired V-line shape:

  • Jawbone Reduction: The angular jawbone is carefully excised to diminish its width and create a smoother, more contoured line. This is generally done from the rear part of the jaw to the chin area.
  • Chin Reshaping (Genioplasty or T-Osteotomy): Depending on the patient’s needs, the surgeon may perform a genioplasty or T-osteotomy to alter the shape and size of the chin. This involves either trimming the chin bone or repositioning it to create a sharper and more pointed chin.

V-Line is ideal for people who have big round faces. V-Line is also a good option for someone who has a large jawline or square face.

Surgery Time

Facial bone or double jaw surgery takes around 2 hours.

Hospital Stay

You need to stay for 1 night after surgery.

Days in South Korea

We suggest you stay at least 14 days after surgery.


It takes 2 to 4 weeks to recover from V-line surgery.

2. Zygoma Surgery

Zygoma surgery, also known as zygoma reduction or cheekbone reduction surgery, is a specialized cosmetic procedure aimed at reducing the prominence of the cheekbones to create a softer and more balanced facial appearance. This surgery is particularly suitable for individuals with prominent or protruding cheekbones that lend a harsh or angular look to their face, which can often disrupt facial harmony and balance.

The result is a softer, more proportionate facial outline with less pronounced cheekbones, enhancing overall facial symmetry and aesthetic appeal. The entire surgery usually takes about 1 hour to complete. Patients are required to stay in the hospital for 1 night post-operation and should plan to stay in South Korea for at least 7 days to attend follow-up appointments and ensure an adequate initial recovery phase.

Full recovery from zygoma reduction surgery can take between 2 to 4 weeks, during which time swelling and bruising will gradually subside, revealing the final, more subtle cheekbone contour. This procedure is ideal for those seeking a balanced, harmonious face without prominent or overpowering cheekbone structures.

Zygoma reduction is for people who have large protruding cheekbones. Zygoma is also ideal for high sharp cheekbones that give the face a very harsh look.

Surgery Time

Facial bone or double jaw surgery takes around 1 hour.

Hospital Stay

You need to stay for 1 night after surgery.

Days in South Korea

We suggest you stay at least 7 days after surgery.


It takes 2 to 4 weeks to recover from zygoma reduction surgery.

The key steps of zygoma reduction surgery include:

  • Incision and Access: The procedure often starts with making small incisions within the mouth or along the hairline to access the zygomatic bones discreetly, minimizing visible scarring.
  • Bone Cutting and Shaping: The surgeon strategically cuts the zygomatic bone at several points—typically the front, top, and rear sections—to mobilize it. This cutting allows for the precise reduction and repositioning of the bone structure.
  • Bone Rotation and Fixation: The cheekbones are gently rotated horizontally and downward to bring them closer to the face, effectively reducing their protrusion. After repositioning, the bones are fixed in their new location using medical-grade screws or plates to ensure stability and promote proper healing.

3. Square Jaw Surgery

Square jaw surgery, also known as mandibular angle reduction or jaw reduction surgery, is a cosmetic procedure aimed at refining a broad, angular, or prominent lower jaw. This surgery is particularly beneficial for individuals who have a wide, square-shaped jawline and desire a more sleek, contoured, and feminine facial appearance.

The main goals of square jaw surgery include reducing the width of the lower face, softening the jawline, and creating a more harmonious facial profile.

The entire procedure generally takes about 2 hours to complete. After the surgery, patients are required to stay in the hospital for 1 night to monitor their initial recovery. To ensure a smooth post-operative experience and proper healing, patients are advised to remain in South Korea for at least 14 days following the surgery.

The recovery period typically ranges from 2 to 4 weeks, during which time swelling and bruising will gradually diminish, revealing a more refined and slender jawline. This procedure helps create a more aesthetically pleasing lower face, enhancing facial symmetry and overall attractiveness. Square jaw surgery is an effective solution for those seeking to eliminate the harshness of a broad jawline and achieve a more delicate, balanced facial contour.

Surgery Time

Facial bone or double jaw surgery takes around 2 hours.

Hospital Stay

You need to stay for 1 night after surgery.

Days in South Korea

We suggest you stay at least 14 days after surgery.


It takes 2 to 4 weeks to recover from square jaw surgery.

The main goals of square jaw surgery include reducing the width of the lower face, softening the jawline, and creating a more harmonious facial profile. Here’s how the procedure is typically performed:

  • Incision and Access: Small incisions are made either inside the mouth or along the jawline to access the mandibular bone. Incisions inside the mouth are often preferred to avoid visible scarring.
  • Bone Contouring and Reduction: Using specialized surgical tools, the surgeon carefully excises or shaves down the excess bone along the mandible, typically from the area under the ears to the middle of the rear jaw. In some cases, the front part of the jaw may also be trimmed to achieve a more balanced look.
  • Soft Tissue Adjustment: In addition to bone reduction, the surrounding soft tissues may be adjusted to ensure a smooth, natural-looking result.

4. Double Jaw Surgery

Double jaw surgery, also known as bimaxillary osteotomy, is a complex surgical procedure aimed at correcting various functional and aesthetic issues related to the alignment and structure of both the upper and lower jaws. This surgery is typically recommended for individuals with significant facial imbalance, malocclusion (misalignment of jaws and teeth), protruding or recessed jaws, and facial asymmetry. The primary goals are to improve jaw function, enhance facial harmony, and correct severe bite issues.

Surgery Time

Facial bone or double jaw surgery takes around 4 hours.

Hospital Stay

You need to stay for 2 nights after surgery.

Days in South Korea

We suggest you stay at least 21 days in Korea.


It takes 2 to 4 weeks to recover from double jaw surgery.

Here’s how double jaw surgery is generally performed:

  • Incision and Access: The procedure begins with incisions made inside the mouth to avoid external scars. These incisions provide access to both the upper (maxilla) and lower (mandible) jawbones.
  • Upper Jaw (Maxillary Osteotomy): The surgeon makes precise cuts in the upper jaw above the teeth roots, allowing the upper jaw to be moved forward, backward, upward, or downward as needed to correct alignment issues. The repositioned upper jaw is then fixed in its new position using plates and screws to ensure stability during the healing process.
  • Lower Jaw (Mandibular Osteotomy): Similarly, the surgeon makes cuts on both sides of the lower jaw. The lower jaw is then moved forward, backward, or rotated to meet the repositioned upper jaw correctly. As with the upper jaw, the lower jaw is secured with plates and screws.

Additional Adjustments: Depending on the individual case, additional procedures such as genioplasty (chin surgery) may be performed to further enhance facial symmetry and balance.


At Shin Medical, we collaborate with some of South Korea’s top surgeons to offer personalized face contouring procedures that align with individual aesthetic goals. Our premier services include V-line surgery, which is ideal for individuals with broad or square jawlines seeking a delicate, V-shaped profile through jawbone reduction and chin reshaping. Zygoma surgery caters to those wanting to soften prominent cheekbones for a more balanced facial contour, while square jaw surgery refines a broad, angular jawline, resulting in a more feminine and harmonious appearance. Double jaw surgery addresses significant facial imbalances and misaligned jaws, aligning both the upper and lower jaws to enhance functionality and facial harmony.

Each of these procedures is meticulously designed to not only fit generalized beauty standards but also to enhance and harmonize each patient’s natural features. With our personalized approach and commitment to excellence, Shin Medical ensures optimal outcomes and renewed confidence for our patients. For those considering transformative face contouring, Shin Medical provides the expertise and care necessary to achieve your aesthetic desires. Contact us today to embark on your journey to a more balanced and confident you.

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